The EAGALA model
The EAGALA Model delivers life-changing outcomes.
The EAGALA Model helps clients:
Translate emotional insights into action.
The EAGALA Model is a solution-oriented modality leveraging the horse’s universal language, size, and expressiveness to help clients recognize patterns of behaviour and learn experientially to affect change.
Foster resilience in times of high stress.
The treatment sessions re-create life experiences, including those involving frustrations, high stress, and relationship problems. This provides opportunities to discover personal resources and strengths to overcome perceived obstacles to change.
Breakthrough barriers to care.
Clients challenge themselves in activities with horses that remove much of the perceived stigma associated with traditional talk therapy treatment methods. Horses don’t have biases which help clients of all populations and cultures feel emotionally safer in sessions.
Increase engagement.
EAGALA Model sessions are about “doing.” The process involves movement, physical activity, and relationship-building with the horses. This results in the process being more engaging, and engagement increases impact. Clients repeatedly report how quickly and deeply they get to the bottom of their issues, including clients who have been identified as treatment-resistant.
Find real-world solutions to life’s toughest challenges.
Clients find their own solutions to the struggles in their lives. Under the direction of a credentialed EAGALA treatment team, clients build on their resilience and learn through self-discovery the changes they need to make in order to be IT’S TIME FOR A MORE EFFECTIVE SOLUTION. more successful in life.
In Brief: The EAGALA Model is a distinctive experiential framework designed to allow clients the latitude to discover, learn, and grow from the horse-human relationship. It utilizes horses as metaphors to help clients access their own solutions to life challenges. Under The EAGALA Model, all sessions are directed by a facilitating team certified in the Model. This two-person team includes a registered, credentialed mental health professional working with a credentialed equine specialist to assure the highest standard of care. Clients engage with the horses on the ground. No riding is involved. EAGALA’s standards outline professional requirements for both members of the credentialed facilitating team, ensuring the emotional health of the client.